Dear fellow Club Manager/Secretary
Our message to you is a simple one. We want you to join our growing group of people determined to continue to make our industry more professionally managed, and support each other in providing the best service possible to our clubs and club members. If you work in a club administration or management role at an affiliated Scottish golf club, you can join as an Ordinary Member at a cost of £100 per annum.
There are three types of membership for serving managers:
Ordinary full membership is £175 per annum and the subscription year runs from January to December. Whilst this is primarily aimed at managers wishing to attain or retain one of the industry recognised professional qualifications, the Club Management Diploma (CM Dip) or Certified Club Manager (CCM), it is available to all.
Ordinary membership is £115.
Club Membership is £425 per annum and allows a club or organisation to nominate up to 3 persons who would all receive the same level of benefits as an ordinary full member. Clubs with more than 3 persons may apply for multiple Club Membership.
I look forward to welcoming you to one of our events in the very near future and to hearing from you how your SGCMA can help you to succeed at your club.
Christopher Spencer
Company Secretary
Scottish Golf & Club Managers Association