
Scottish Golf and Club Managers Association


The board is focused on providing support, education, training and networking opportunities to those involved in the management and administration of clubs throughout Scotland. We are building upon the strong foundations and traditions already established in these areas, and we are now seeing this approach replicated throughout Europe.

A huge step forward in providing educstion was the employment of Claire Mioddleton as ourt Education Manager. She is preparing a calendar of events, both in-person and on-line, covering subjects that you tell us are in greatest demand. When a specific topic comes up (for example GDPR) we will add extra seminars if necessary.

We will continue to host and promote the successful CMAE Management Development Programme (MDP) as our recommended route for  all  club  managers/administrators  to  attend,  and  continue  to  develop  further sessions on individual subjects to complement that popular pathway.

We also link in with our colleagues in Scottish Golf, BIGGA and the PGA to ensure we provide a wide programme of education opportunities for all club staff and committee members to support them in their efforts to run successful and thriving clubs.

If there are any education topics you would wish to see being provided in any format then please flag these up to our Education Manager, Claire Middleton, or by calling 07808079483, or the Company Secretary, Christopher Spencer, or calling 07745801501.




Christopher Spencer

Company Secretary

Telephone : 07745801501

Email :

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Copyright © 2025 Scottish Golf & Club Managers Association.